"Eating animals acts as mirror and representation of patriarchal values. Meat eating is the re-inscription of male power at every meal. The patriarchal gaze sees not the fragmented flesh of dead animals but appetizing food." - Carol Adams
Moses Seenarine
"If our appetites re-inscribe patriarchy, our actions regarding eating animals will either reify or challenge this received culture. If meat is a symbol of male dominance then the presence of meat proclaims the dis-empowering of women."
if god didn't want us to eat animals he wouldn't have made them out of meat.
Moses Seenarine
god? which god? the patriarchal illusion of eternal fatherhood with its misogynistic blaming of the fall from "paradise" on women and an animal? the sky magic invention of men to distance themselves from the creative powers of women and nature? or the immoral blood-sacrifice ritualization of death to replace matriarchal power entrenched in the ... See Morecreative power of menstruation? if meat-eating is not immoral, why even in the myth of the golden age of eden, humans were vegetarian? there were two trees in eden, one vegetarian and the other of killing and meat-eating, and it was the extremely cunning patriarchal trickery of the abrahamic myths to blame our species devolution into cannibalism on women
thanx for affirming my suspicion that you are a complete nut job....one 'unfiriend' coming right up
Moses Seenarine
one less male asshole to deal with; i am blessed :)
Carol Adams is a great author
An Animal Manifesto: Gender, Identity, and Vegan-Feminism in the Twenty-First Century
Carol J. Adams Interviewed by Tom Tyler
I dunno, I like fish. Mainly raw fresh from the stream, or cooked. I don't like steak. I guess I'm part Bear.
All this man hating stuff is a bit tiring. All men are not assholes.
Moses Seenarine
@ nicolle: thanks; i'm going to see carol in a week! i'm so excited
@ salim: great link! respect, as always :)
@ jack: bears cannot grow vegetables and have no access to vegetable markets; taste does not trump morality, and when it does, compassion and empathy is negatively affected
@ catherine: male violence is tiring, and men are completely apathetic about it, which makes them assholes; you are a rare woman having male feminists around; please suggest them as fb friends
Moses Seenarine
Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one. - Charles Mackay
ALL men aren't assholes, but I think around 98%-ish are - give and take. Ok, maybe 98%-ish of the straight ones. But there are plenty of queer assholes out there too - I think I know enough guys to vouch for that one. Also, what's with all the hating here? He just posted a quote from a Carol Adams book - big deal! Relax, folks!
I don't think meat-eating is related to patriarchy. In fact, I think humans evolved as omnivorous creatures and the presence of our set of canines (on both the upper and lower jaws) prove that. Why would meat-tearing teeth evolve if humans were supposed to be naturally vegetarian? Morality doesn't figure in this entire food chain equation at all.
Now don't get all angry, Moses. This is just my opinion. :-)
But I do think you're right about the inherently misogynistic nature of all Abrahamic religions. Anyway, this is out of context.
Moses Seenarine
ok, sucheta, i'll go light on ya' :)
commonly used false argument: taking a functional characteristic (canine teeth) and applying a causal relationship (for tearing flesh)
a fraction of an inch of longer teeth does not a meat eater make; if we're natural carnivores, why can't we kill animals and eat flesh naturally? we need tools to kill and have to cook flesh; unlike the intestines of carnivores which is three times the length of their bodies, our intestines is 12 times the length of our body, more like herbivores; our saliva contains enzymes to break down starch and we are missing a rasping tongue; there's more
abrahamic religions is the basis for the justification for the immorality of eating our fellow creatures and are very relevant
Meat-eating is TOTALLY connected to patriarchy and racism on SOOOO many levels!! Hmmm... don't even know where to start. Half the reasons why meat-eating is so popular today is because many cultures are now "catching up" with the West and are now "higher class" and "rich enough" to eat at crap joints like McDs and KFC just like Americans. Anyone who's been to China in the last couple years can clearly see this "downfall" of their society. I think KFC owns most of China at this point! Also, traditionally in the West, the big piece of meat was for the "head of the household" man, and the women, kids, and "primitives" were given "primitive" food meant for people who "don't think as much" - vegetarian type stuff (racist AND sexist!). Also, hunting has traditionally been a male thing, while gathering was stuff the women did (kinda hard to hunt with a baby strapped to you!) - so of course it is connected to the building of patriarchy. This is covered in depth in "Rape of the Wild" and "The Sexual Politics of Meat". Both good reads.
Not to mention it's disgusting!
Eating is now sexist?